Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Events This Week at the Sunweaver Clubs

Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'A' ----- DJ Jenni
FRI: Steampunk ----- DJ Crim
SAT: To Be Announced DJ Shockwave
6 to 8PM , 200 to 250 L on board

Sunweaver Bay (115, 107, 157)

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The Happy Vixen

Tues - Best In Wings
DJ Tantari, 250 L on the board

Thurs - Stripes and Spots
250L on the board

Early Halloween
DJ Rose, 250L on the Board
8-10 PM

Sunday - Beach Party (maybe)
12 Noon SL time

Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24

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Castle Primal Passions

Regular schedule:

Monday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz

Thursday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz, DJ Blader 8-10PM

Friday: DJ Awol: 11AM - 12 Noon SL time , DJ Blader 4-6PM

Saturday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, DJ Awol 6-8PM

Sunday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex

For special events, contact Rayven Tentigo (rayven.avalira) for details.

Sunweaver Bay (170, 215, 25)

http://primalpassionsclub.weebly.com/ (caution, website not safe for work viewing)

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The Vinyl Museum  (Perri's Xanadu)

The Vinyl is currently closed to regular events until further notice.

HV Community (67/207/4051)

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Club Fur

Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.

Sunny Beach (180/52/27)

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