Club Cutlass
WED: Best In 'F' --------
FRI: Halloween - DJ Jenni
SAT: Sci-Fi - DJ Cynthia
6-8 PM Sunweaver Space (176, 62, 125)
The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

Tonight at the Vinyl, it's our "Best in Pink" night. More than just red on a diet, come dressed in your favorite pink outfit, pink avatar, or both. It's time to "Think Pink," so get your best pink look and head over.
250 on the board, 6-8PM
"No, I don't have Pinkeye."
Thurs - "Halloween Party"
Tomorrow is Halloween, the holiday when the spooks and monsters come out into the night. So come dressed up in costume, whether it be something spooky or something way out of the ordinary. Tonight expect things to go bump in the night. But no one else may suspect that thing may be you.
250 on the board, 6-8 PM
DJ Cynthia
"Happy Halloween"
6-8 PM HV Community (67/207/4051)
The Happy Vixen
Events unscheduled. Please join the group to be updated of any events.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)