Club Cutlass
WED: Best In 'J' --------
FRI: Back In Blue -----
SAT: Topless Night ---6-8 PM Sunweaver Space (176, 62, 125)
The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

Tonight at the Vinyl, it's our tribute to the first Thanksgiving with "Pilgrims and Indians." Do you see yourself as one of the Pilgrims, looking for freedom in a brave new world? Or perhaps one of the Indians, whom are welcoming some strange new visitors. Or you can just come as the turkey. Whichever side you choose, wear the best outfit you can, and head on over.
6-8PM, 250L on the board
"Only the food's a turkey."
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Thurs - No event planned due to holiday
HV Community (67/207/4051)
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The Happy Vixen
Events unscheduled. Please join the group to be updated of any events.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)

Events unscheduled, check with Alynna Trypnotk (Alynna Vixen).
Sunweaver Bay