WED: Best In 'H' ------ Jenni
FRI: Rock On ---------- Shock
SAT: Tacky ------------- Tantari
6 to 8PM SL time 100 to 250 L on board
Sunweaver Bay (115, 107, 157)
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The Happy Vixen

Tonight at the Happy Vixen, its our Videogame night. Come in as a favorite character from a video or computer game, Mario, Sonic, Krystal, Chun-Li, or whichever of the classic arcade hits to the console games from later. Choose a hero, or the boss whom you took hours to beat. Which ever game you choose, head on over here and play with us.
DJ Tantari, 6-8 PM
250L on the board
"For Pac Man Fever, insert two coins, and call me in the morning."
Thurs - 60s Night
Tonight at the Happy Vixen, we turn the clock back to the days of sex, drugs, and rock and roll with our 60s night. Come dressed as a hippie, a protester, a guy in a polyester leisure suit, or maybe one of the cops keeping the protesters in line. Please don't drop out, but do tune in. Hop on the VW bus and head on over.
6-8 PM, 250 L on the board
"What's the difference between a hippie and a yuppie? About two decades of real life."
Pilgrims and Indians
Tonight at the Happy Vixen, it's our tribute to the first Thanksgiving with "Pilgrims and Indians." Do you see yourself as one of the Pilgrims, looking for freedom in a brave new world? Or perhaps one of the Indians, whom are welcoming some strange new visitors. Or you can just come as the turkey. Whichever side you choose, wear the best outfit you can, and head on over.
6-8PM, DJ Rose
250L on the board
"Only the food's a turkey."
Sunday - Beach Party 12 Noon to 2PM SL time (if there is one)
Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)
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Castle Primal Passions
Regular schedule:
Monday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz
Thursday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz, DJ Blader 8-10PM
Friday: DJ Awol: 11AM - 12 Noon SL time , DJ Blader 4-6PM
Saturday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, DJ Awol 6-8PM
Sunday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex
For special events, contact Rayven Tentigo (rayven.avalira) for details.
Sunweaver Bay (170, 215, 25)
http://primalpassionsclub.weebly.com/ (caution, website not safe for work viewing)
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The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

HV Community (67/207/4051)
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Club Fur
Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)