Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'K' ----- (DJ needed)
FRI: To Be Announced --- (DJ needed)
SAT: To Be Announced --- (DJ needed)
6 to 8PM , 200 to 250 L on board Tues & Fri
500L Saturday
Sunweaver Bay (115, 107, 157)
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The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

6 PM - "Mythologicals"
Today its all about fantasy critters that don't exist in real life. Gryphons, Pegasus, Unicorns, Nagas, Dragons, Anything Mythological.
250 $L on the board with DJ Tantari
8 pm - "Leather and Latex"
Leather and Latex clothes of any kind PG, Revealing, Sexy, Or Not Fully Covering. The Sky is the limit. Come in your best Leathers and Latex.
250L on the board with DJ Psycho Kitty
8-10 PM
6 pm - "Dog Days Of Summer"
Calling all Canines, Lupines, and Vulpines, even Coyotes and any doglike species. Tonight we commemorate our four legged friends Wild and Domesticated. Set starts at 6 pm to 8 pm SLT.
250 $L on the board , DJ To Be Announced or Radio Run
8 pm - "Come As You Are"
Come as you are clothed or nude, any species, any clothes, anything you want to be!
250 $L on the board DJ Psycho Kitty
8-10 PM
HV Community (67/207/4051)
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The Happy Vixen
The beach is back! Once known as Angels Beach, the longtime favorite beach club is back in business.
Sunday 12 Noon SL time (suggested time)
Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)
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Castle Primal Passions
No events currently scheduled. Contact Rayven Tentigo (rayven.avalira) for details.
Sunweaver Bay (170, 215, 25)
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Club Fur
Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)