Club Cutlass

FRI: Sports Night -----
SAT: Flying Away -----
6 to 8PM , 100 to 250 L on board
Sunweaver Space (176, 62, 125)
The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

Tonight at the Vinyl, it's our beach party. Are you tired of the ice and snow? Weary of day after day of the cold? Well, it's time to warm things up with a reminder of the summer to come with a little beach party. Put on your favorite swimsuit, shorts and t-shirt, or whatever else you would wear at the beach. So put aside the winter blues. Put on your best beach look, and surf on over.
250L on the board, 6-8PM
"Life's a beach."
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Thursday - "In Space"
Tonight at the Vinyl, it's time to look to the heavens as we hold our "In Space" event. Get your favorite space suit, astronaut's jumpsuit, or scientist's outfit. Or you can come as a little green alien or robot. Please no Star Trek or Star Wars outfits, they'll have their own events later. So don't be earthbound. It's time to get spaced out, and dock on over.
250L on the board, 6-8PM
"Rocket's away!"
HV Community (67/207/4051)
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Club Fur
Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)
Coming Soon: New club at the Purrfection Estates