Club Cutlass

FRI: Friday Fantasy ----
SAT: Superpowered --
6 to 8PM , 100 to 250 L on board
Sunweaver Space (176, 62, 125)
The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

Tonight at the Vinyl, it's our formal dance party. Tonight, we put away the jeans and T-shirts for the fancier threads. Come in your best formal outfit, whether suits or gowns.
6-8PM SL time, DJ Cynthia,
250L on the board
"May I formally introduce myself?"
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Thursday - "Best in Blue"
Tonight at the Vinyl, it's our "Best in Blue" event. Blue, the color of berries, the color of water, the color of the sky. Come in youe best blue outfit, your best blue avatar, or better yet one of both. So if you're feeling blue, come on over for the comfort of music and friends. Get your best look and head on over.
6-8PM, 250L on the board
"A night for the blues."
HV Community (67/207/4051)
* * * * *
Club Fur
Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)
Coming Soon: New club at the Purrfection Estates