Club Cutlass

WED: Best In 'O' ----- DJ Jenni
FRI: Blue and Purple ----
SAT: Pirates! --
6 to 8PM , 200 to 250 L on board
Sunweaver Bay (115, 107, 157)
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The Vinyl Museum (Perri's Xanadu)

6-8 pm SL Time - Fluffies vs Scalies
Do you have fluff or do you have scales, are you anthro or feral? Show us what you got and see if you have what it takes to Win. Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT
250 $L on the board with DJ Tantari
8-10 pm SL Time - Predators vs Prey
Are you an herbivore or carnivore? Do you hunt food or are you what others hunt for food? Come on down for a chance to win big. DJ Psycho is Rocking the joint. Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends 10 pm SLT
$250 L on the board with DJ Psycho Kitty
6-8 pm SL Time - Supernatural vs Mythological
Are you a supernatural or mythological beast? Are you all powerful or are you just magic? If you are anything of the two or both put it all out here for all to see in today's contest. My Little Pony Avatars welcome in the contest. Party starts at 6 pm SLT and ends at 8 pm SLT.
250 $L on the board with DJ Tantari
8-10 pm SL Time - Kitsunes vs Nekos
Time to show us what side you lean on. Are you a Kitsune or are you a Neko? May the best hybrid win and Good Luck to all! DJ Psycho Is Rocking The FoxBox Tonight! Party starts at 8 pm SLT and ends at 10 pm SLT
$250 L on the board with DJ Psycho Kitty
HV Community (67/207/4051)
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The Happy Vixen
The beach is back! Once known as Angels Beach, the longtime favorite beach club is back in business.
Sunday 12 Noon SL time
Purrfection Estates (236, 219, 24)
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Castle Primal Passions
Regular schedule:
Monday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz
Thursday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, 6-8PM DJ Teebz, DJ Blader 8-10PM
Friday: DJ Awol: 11AM - 12 Noon SL time , DJ Blader 4-6PM
Saturday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex, DJ Awol 6-8PM
Sunday: 4-6 PM SL time DJ Alex
For special events, contact Rayven Tentigo (rayven.avalira) for details.
Sunweaver Bay (170, 215, 25) (caution, website not safe for work viewing)
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Club Fur
Currently closed to regular events. IM Alynna Vixen for details.
Sunny Beach (180/52/27)
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